Woodruff Grappa - Vianello Wines
Woodruff Grappa

Distinctively aromatic grappa specialty, infused with woodruff from the slopes of Monte Bondone, which enhances a unique aroma and has digestive properties. This grappa is especially decorative and therefore represents also an excellent gift idea.

Type of spirit:grappa aromatizzata (flavored grappa)
Region of origin:Trentino
Ingredients:fresh woodruff; Pisoni grappa
Alcohol content:40%
Production:infusion of freshly blooming woodruff in Pisoni Grappa
Characteristics:delicate, typical woodruff scent
Assortment tip:for retailers, among Trentino specialties
Occasion:at the end of the meal as a digestif, for family/friends gatherings, après-ski, gift idea
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